The Collective Blog Post of Resources For Writers

Here it is! The conglomerate list of websites that list other websites that happen to be literary magazines. (Note that I tend to put the sites I personally use more frequently first.)

Submission Tracking Resources

The Submission Grinder – The free version of Duotrope. Offers market search and submission tracking services as well as average response times, etc that can also be found on Duotrope.

Duotrope – A submission tracking service and market listing resource. Requires a subscription of $5 a month to use.

Excel/OpenOffice Calc – Although there are plenty of other tracking alternatives out there, it’s easy enough to make your own. Mine looks a little something like this:

Piece Date Subbed Date Responded Response Magazine Website Date Published

You can even add a column to calculate wait/response times. There are plenty of examples and pre-made tracking spreadsheets out there, just google ‘submission tracking spreadsheet’.

General Market Listings

Six Questions For – Weekly interviews with editors of lit mags. Great for discovering new magazines and finding out what editors want more of or see too much of.

Places for Writers – Site that updates with submission calls and contests from all over the world.

Submittable – This submission site also offers blog posts listing out relevant submission deadlines. Here’s the current one through April 21st. It’s also a site a lot of lit mags may use to process their submissions.

Poets&Writers – A listing of literary magazines that you can sort through by genre and pay.

Specific Market Resources

World Without End – A nicely compiled list of speculative fiction magazines. A lot of these are well known, but there are a few new gems in there, too. Note: some of the links are expired.

Flash Fiction Chronicles – Have a flash fiction story to submit? This is a pretty thorough listing of flash fiction markets sorted by word limits. Definitely worth checking out.

Selby’s List – Experimental poetry magazine listings by country/area. If you don’t have Duotrope and you’re having trouble finding poetry markets, this is like a gold mine.

Dark Markets – Resources for horror writers including anthologies, contests and magazine listings.

UK Literary Magazines – A list of UK based literary magazines on Neon Magazine’s website.

Canadian Literary Magazines – Listing of Canadian literary magazines and journals.

Children’s Magazine Markets – A list of children’s fiction markets that pay professional rates.

Notes: This is by no means an exhaustive list, and it will continue to be updated on a rolling basis. Feel free to mention any other resources I’ve missed. I’m trying to keep the list restricted to currently active and relevant sites and would like to avoid any that are out of date or littered with broken links.